Embracing Your Trauma-Conscious Business®

★ For coaches, service-based business owners, therapists, founders, and healers ★

A 10-month program to help you intentionally + peacefully shift your current business model, so you can better support your people, your processes and your profits.

Hello, I’m Nicole Lewis-Keeber, and it’s my mission to guide you on a journey to explore early childhood trauma and to illuminate its connection to how you operate and who you are today.

This is why I have combined all of my heart, hard work, and years of research into this 10-month program. This program was designed to help service-based business owners, entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, founders, and healers learn how to run a trauma-conscious business that better supports your people, your processes, and your profits.

How do we achieve this as we work together?

  1. I will help you learn about and identify past trauma and its current impact on you, your business and your relationships.
  2. As we gently and compassionately work through these discoveries, you will become empowered to serve the people you’re meant to serve in a deeper, more meaningful way and to heal yourself as part of this process.
  3. You will consciously remove trauma’s aftermath from your business structures, learn how to navigate any trauma tripwires you may encounter, and lean into the resilience and strength that your trauma led you to develop.


♥️ I PROMISE. ♥️

Already know you want to shift into a trauma-conscious business? Click here to schedule a call with me so we can see if this program is good fit for you.

“I highly recommend Nicole Lewis-Keeber coaching. In three sessions she uprooted some WHACK coding I had from trauma about MONEY that has impacted my LIFE. Rewriting that script created IMMEDIATE improvements where I had a blockage before. She’s golden goose therapy”

—Janelle B CEO

“I feel more empowered now. Capable and not crazy. I feel calm, more relaxed. So much so that sometimes I have to ask myself if I’m disconnected or don’t care of if I’m just calmer”

—Angie F Social Media Strategist & CEO

“It is absolutely the missing link for me. I knew that there were unconscious blocks but couldn’t uncover what they were. The visualization at the beginning was a huge insight into my money paradigm (which I always had issues uncovering), then when I got to the goal trauma it was like I got hit with a ton of bricks. It makes so much sense! I am so glad I was called to talk to you about it and take the leap.

I know it is going to be life changing. I can break through to the next level and realized why I would not let myself earn more than a certain amount per month”

—Marissa L CEO