Tag: Money Mindset
Give them what they paid for and that is it!!
Greetings from SC! I had an experience last night I wanted to share with you! Let me give you a little background first. One of the biggest struggles that I am seeing right now, is the struggle around pricing services. I see peers and clients battling themselves when it comes to this topic. They have…
How #metoo Experiences Affect Female Founders & The Businesses They Run
If the vast majority of women have a #metoo story about sexual abuse, assault, or unwanted advances, how does that affect the growing numbers of women who are starting businesses today? How does this common but all-too-personal trauma impact the success and health of female entrepreneurs? I have been working with female entrepreneurs for several…
The pressure to earn money, can often repel it!
“With college around the corner and my super slow summer workload, I’m beginning to freak out.” This was a recent client conversation. I could hear the stress and anxiety in her voice. I asked some questions in the hopes of shifting some anxiety and providing some relief. Was her eighteen year old ready for college?…
How Little t Trauma May Be Hurting Your Business
Even though many years have passed, I can still remember the moment that I was finally given the permission that I needed to begin my healing. I was sitting on the couch of my new therapist’s office and I was giving her the usual rundown of my life. I gave her the family history, childhood…
The truth about intuition, and a blue bird!
Have you ever found yourself in a place where you know it is time to make a change? Maybe it is time to make some hard decisions about a relationship you are in. Maybe it is becoming clear that it is time to leave your job or maybe even your career? Whatever the decision is…
It Is What It Is…And I Am What I Am
So here we are…redefining a business…stepping into the spotlight as my true self. It is scary and I am not even sure what it looks like but I am open. In the meantime, I am going to continue to talk about and write about what I know best. What can I say? It is what…
Spring Into Abundance
It is the first day of Spring! This makes me particularly happy because it hits me in all the right mindset places. I live in Pennsylvania so it gets dark cold and dreary here, which is hard for a girl who grew up in the sunnier state of North Carolina. So, I live for spring…
All about podcasts!
One of my intentions for this year is to be on at least one podcast per month as a guest! I am off to a great start! I really love talking to others about what I do, what I am passionate about and now it all boils down to help for my clients. I am…
Why I Don’t Want You To Fake It Until You Make It!
I used to be a clinical supervisor for a methadone clinic, and I have a vast amount of experience with addictions. I would say 80% of my direct practice had some kind of treatment of addictions at its core. I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard a client say “ Fake…
Nothing is free..can you afford the real price?
Have you ever gotten free samples at Costco or Whole Foods? Come on, you know you have. In fact, I know some people who take their lunch break and nosh on free samples. It is OK I don’t judge. But I do want to ask you a question? How many times did you actually buy…