Trauma Triggers and How They Show Up in Your Business

I recognize this trigger of mine. We have had a lifetime together. Instead of spending energy trying to get rid of it, I have spent my time getting to know it and how it shows up for me so that I can move past it and step around it. I am grateful for the knowledge of this trigger and that I have embraced the brilliance that was created by doing things My Way.

Big T Trauma vs Little t Trauma 

Little t traumas are often repetitive, and ongoing and the experience may or may not create a traumatic response for every person. When confronted with Little t trauma support networks, resilience and coping skills can play a huge part in their impact on our lives long term.

Transformation not Information

“Where’s my holy shift? “This was the question that my peer asked me after I had shared my process with her on […]

Solutions not absolution

Let me ask you a question. All of those promises you made to God or the Divine when you were going through […]