This is the third in a series of posts where I get real with you about how I realized that I was using my business to abuse myself. Yes really, that is possible. If you did not catch the first two posts you can read them here. How to Find Big Magic, and Love Your Business, and Falling In Love With Your Business Step 1.
I cannot tell you how much the realization that I had created a yucky, lopsided, abusive relationship with my business changed everything. The way I approach and view myself in relation to my business continues to evolve. These steps have been so vital to me, that I have decided to offer a free tele-seminar on 2/29/16 to go into these steps in more detail. Follow this link to register and join me.
So moving on, I wanted to share with you another step that I took to help me fall in love with my business again. It is February and it is the month of love, so this topic seems oh so juicy and appropriate. I wrote luv letters. Yes you heard me not just love letters..LUVVVV letters.
I sat down and wrote a love letter to my business, in it I made promises about how I will treat it. How I will not take it for granted, and how much I love all of the possibilities and opportunities that being in a relationship with my business offers me. It was sweet, I felt more connected and had a tenderness in my heart about this sweet heart centered business that I took a chance on.
I then wrote a love letter to me from my business. In this letter I wrote as if I were my business. In that letter I had it tell me all of the things that it promises me, commitment, magic, support, success It told me how talented I am, and how it vows to stay kind and supportive in helping me reach my dreams. I cannot tell you how much fun it was.
So how about you? Your turn!
If you were to write a love letter to your business what would you say? What promises would you want to make?
If you could imagine a love letter from your business? What would you want it to say? What do you need in order to feel connected, and supported?
I promise you, that you will be surprised and in good way if you take this step and complete this exercise.
If you are feeling uncomfortable with allowing yourself to be supported by your business, to be “loved” by your business, and would like some help sorting it out and creating your own “Big Magic,” contact me for a complimentary Discovery Call. I would love to help you find your way to a hot and heavy romance with your business! Contact Nicole
Stay tuned for Step 3 in this process, when we’ll create a detailed vision of the new partnership with your business.
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