3 Tips to Help You Conquer Loneliness While Building Your Online Business

Does Your Online Business Leave You Feeling Lonely? 

I will be honest with you, I never imagined when I decided to create an online business as a Life and Money Mindset Coach that I would be so lonely? Oh, and to be brutally honest I never imagined how challenging it would be and how many new skill sets that I would have to learn as well. Coming from a therapy background my experience was much different, I saw my clients in person and had daily interactions with my peers. Hell, after I got my degree and started my practice all I needed to do was show up, provide excellent clinical services and do a bit of paperwork.

But I digress. Needless to say I was not prepared for the many demanding and isolating tasks that come along with an online business. I am a problem solver, so I began to look for opportunities to expand my tribe of peers, supporters and mentors.

These are 3 Steps I took to feel less isolated and meet some amazing new people.

  1. Find Local Women’s Groups That Are Not Strictly Networking Based

I looked for local women’s groups that had social activities and not just business networking events. I found an amazing group locally called, Kick-Ass Female Entrepreneurs organized by Anne Kirby. This group meets once a month and the meet up varies from Happy Hour, Karaoke, to more organized meet and greets with speakers. I have met inspiring, smart and fun women in this group. Not only has the group been a boost in my social life with women who “ get it” but it has also provided me with some new clients.

  1. Join a Local Co-Working Space

I found a co-working space which was a perfect fit for me, The Candy Factory is a tad quirky,and is run by creatives who always have something new and interesting going on. For a very small investment I was able to obtain a monthly community membership, which allows for me to co-work 2 days per month and attend their community meetings and events. It has helped to know that I have a local space to land when I want some human contact, or want to attend a Lunch and Learn, or a class on how to brew beer, or do my taxes. See what I mean? You name it they offer it! I bet that you have a similar space in your community. Find it! Join it! It has been worth every penny!

  1. Meet New People When You Travel

Do you have a favorite Podcast that you listen to? Perhaps you follow someone’s blog and you just think that they are the cat’s meow? Keep them in mind when you travel! One of my favorite Podcasts to listen to is All Up In Your Lady Business hosted by Jessica Stansbury and Jaclyn Mellone. I was delighted to hear Jessica talk about her home town which just so happens to be a small mountain town where my father has retired. I sent Jessica a message and suggested that the next time that I visit my Father perhaps we could have coffee, and to my surprise she agreed. I think sometimes we forget that the people behind the screen or the microphone are normal women just like us, and that they might be lonely too.

Last month that meeting finally took place as I was visiting for a family wedding! Here is a 944697_10208174058621976_1694465770981637653_npicture we took at our Talk Fest Coffee Date in the mountains. Not only did I have an enjoyable time getting to know Jessica but I also learned some new tips for running an online business. Jessica’s skill set is so far from my own, she is a Nerdy Tech Guru who helps women with their online businesses. My only hope is that learning about Money Mindset from me was as interesting to Jessica.

Have I made my point? Having an online business does not have to equal isolation, and mind numbing daily tasks. You can have a rich, meaningful, social life with people who “ get it”. When traveling look for opportunities to connect as well, it can make an obligatory trip into a way to connect with new and fun people.

Let me hear back from you. What are some ways that you combat loneliness while building your business? 

As a Life and Money Mindset Coach, I offer a Complimentary Discovery Session for those who are interested in learning more. If you would like to chat?Grab your time slot now as I only have a few open. //www.meetme.so/NicoleLewis-Keeber

P.S. If you would like to learn more about the resources that I referred to in this post, here are easy links to them.

All Up In Your Lady Business Podcast

Jessica Stansberry

Jaclyn Mellone

The Candy Factory Membership

Anne Kirby


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